The ancient roman villa à Wachenheim

The ancient Villa rustica, located east of Wachenheim, was built of wood, about 20 years A.C.  By the time,  enlargement and modifications were made of stone. Today the Villa is the largest best kept roman estate in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. This is about her discovery, excavation, restoration and her meaning as an open-air museum nowadays.   


The Roman estate was discovered by chance during land consolidation in 1980. During the next decade, the area with its Roman remains was almost completely excavated by experts of the Department of Archeological Restoration of Historic Buildings and Monuments, Speyer. Its remains were restored and since then are exposed in the Roman Area of the Historic Museum in Speyer.


The costs of purchasing the land, of landscaping, of excavations and restoration were borne for the most part by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The District Administration of Bad Dürkheim and the village of Wachenheim, which is the owner of that monument, granted considerable subsidies. The Association of Winegrowers contributed to the purchase of the area within the frame of their assessment. The District Community of Wachenheim took over the arising costs of conservation, within the frame of its responsibilities.


In 1991 the Association "Förderkreis" has been founded, engaged to preserve the Villa rustica. Its members keep the green area proper and mend the brittle stones of the 2000 year old walls. Besides, they organize guided tours following the ancient Roman Circuit, offer scientific archaeological excursions at the villa and keep this homepage and social media updated.


The importance of the Villa rustica Wachenheim can be explained by its complete description, its huge mansion and several agricultural outbuildings. Considering the numerous villae existing in the area of the upper Rhine valley, it's only here, at Wachenheim, where you get a complete impression of rural settlement and aspects of agricultural production 2000 years ago.


The estate also is the starting point of an ancient Roman Circuit. Following the paths through the vinyards, more traces of Roman excavations can be discovered, e.g. the Weilberg villa, Bad Dürkheim-Ungstein.

Information and guided tours

The "Förderkreis Association" offers guided tours, please contact Sebastian Arnold

If you like to support the preservation of the Villa rustica Wachenheim, the Förderkreis will be thankful to accept your donation.


We recommend a visit of the Historic Museum  of Speyer, where the excavated treasures of the Villa rustica Wachenheim can be regarded as well as many artefacts dating from the Roman Empire in the Palatinate.




